/* kevin's rock; |
lady, you know very well what you’re supposed to do.” “But
Daa-d, come on, it’s the party of the year! Jay’ll be coming any moment now,
we’ve agreed to be there. You know how uncool I’ll look if I don’t turn
up.” At
this moment, Joan could sense that she had said something wrong. She knew the
look very well. The look on his face right now.
Lava. Active volcanoes
Red hot lava.
He sprang from his seat like a
are supposed to be grounded, you know that. And I thought I told you very
clearly that you are not allowed to be with that dumb kid?! Your grades have
been slipping all the way! If I see him here one more time, he’s gonna regret
that day for the rest of his life, if he lives to regret it!” “Dad,
come on……..” “You
better disappear from my sight before I really boil, young lady…….”. She
needed to hear no more. Joan bolted up the stairs to her room, fuming all the
way. |