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The photo frame crashed onto the cold marble floor. For a moment, Joan felt a tinge of guilt as she stared at the picture of Dad and her. It had landed beside the wastepaper basket, for want of better aiming on her part.

“Argh, who gives a damn about him anyway”, she mumbled, reflecting on the events that had passed earlier in the evening.


Factfile <<<<<<<<<<

Name: Joan Tay.

Age: 17.

Status: Clementi High senior.

    A-grade student.

           Councillor of the Year.

        Trivia: Dating Jay Tan, soccer captain at Clementi



“Nah, not this one”, Joan uttered as she flung yet another piece of clothing onto her bed.

Wearing something to show off to your party friends isn’t so easy.

“Hmm, guess this’ll do……”, she finally settled for a sleek black spaghetti top.

“Oops, better lock the door”, she thought to herself, realising that if she were to be caught sneaking out red-handed by her Dad, the next few months would be the bleakest of her life. 

Strangely, Joan didn’t feel as excited about the party as she normally would. It being the final party of the millennium and all, she realised that she was missing that adrenalin rush, that sense of anticipation. Just last week, she was making plans and telling all her buddies about them. Right now, she was feeling more apprehensive than anything. She seldom defied Dad, and occasionally she could still hear grumbling to himself downstairs.

Joan turned to glance at the clock.

“9.15pm”, it shouted back at her. Seemed like everything was in a foul mood that night.